Dashboard Tabs Setup

Dashboard tabs are "pages" of the dashboard that display a set of related frames and plug-ins. Tabs appear down the left-hand side of the dashboard. One user can have an unlimited number of tabs.

Types of dashboard tabs

Individual Tabs

Dashboard Tabs can be created on an individual Dashboard.

  • Individual tabs appear dark gray when selected and light gray when deselected.
  • Changes made to an Individual Tab affect only this tab on this Dashboard.

Shared Tabs

Dashboard Tabs that are shared among multiple users. Shared Tabs are listed in orange.

Note:  Changes made to a Shared Tab affect all Dashboards that employ the tab.

Tab Groups

Shared Tabs that are assigned to users' Dashboards through a Tab Group. Tab Group Tabs always appear at the bottom of the Dashboard Tabs list. Users cannot change their placement.

Note:  Changes made to a Tab Group affect all dashboards that employ the tab group.

Note:  Users can only be assigned one Tab Group at a time.

Note:  Tab types are color-coded only in Design Mode. Upon Exit Design Mode, all tabs appear in the same light/dark gray color-scheme.

Dashboard tab properties


Indicates the name of the tab, as it appears in the Dashboard Tab list.

Auto Refresh Rate (in minutes):

Dictates the length of time (in minutes) at which the system automatically refreshes frame contents.

Is Shared

Indicates whether the tab is a shared tab.

Warning:   Once a tab is shared, it cannot be unshared.

Adding tabs

Modifying Tabs